
A lot of excitement over this one. A rare appearance here in LA, as she has not been spotted here before. Landed, and took off within 1 1/2 hours. The pilot was unfamiliar with the KLAX routine, and needed assistance from control. Awesome sight, and a very beautiful plane indeed.


Contact photographer for terms of use.
Contact photographer for terms of use.


Andrew Broadfoot

This bird is parked up in a hangar about 20 miles from me and I've only seen the tail once. As far as I am concerned, it's rare in Houston... Great shot!

Michael Vladoianu

actually this bird is a infrequent visitor to LAX I have seen it at least 6 times this summer alone

Tim Wagenknecht

Sorry Mike, but as there were so few pictures in the database, and as many on "the hill" got very excited when she showed up, I still call this rare.