
[FAMEX 2023] - GEQ = "Gobierno Del Estado de Querétaro''. The "Conin'' refers to a native who founded what would eventually become the capital city of the state. "Santiago de Querétaro" is a bustling colonial city, with a beautiful aqueduct and plenty of importance in Mexico's history. It is especially relevant as it is a rapidly growing industrial city, just 3 hours away from Mexico's capital. For example, it is currently Mexico's aeronautic hub, with plenty of other industries building and expanding factories here. Consequently, the highway that connects these two cities (57D) is the most transited in the nation, and it connects Mexico City to all highways to the north of the country. "Conin'' has a huge statue at the end of this highway, to mark the start of Santiago de Querétaro. This photo is especially relevant for me as in 2022, I moved to this city from "CDMX" to pursue my career.


Contact photographer for terms of use.



Photo Date

Apr 26, 2023


Dec 07, 2023




[FAMEX 2023] - GEQ = "Gobierno Del Estado de Querétaro''. The "Conin'' refers to a native who founded what would eventually become the capital city of the state. "Santiago de Querétaro" is a bustling colonial city, with a beautiful aqueduct and plenty of importance in Mexico's history. It is especially relevant as it is a rapidly growing industrial city, just 3 hours away from Mexico's capital. For example, it is currently Mexico's aeronautic hub, with plenty of other industries building and expanding factories here. Consequently, the highway that connects these two cities (57D) is the most transited in the nation, and it connects Mexico City to all highways to the north of the country. "Conin'' has a huge statue at the end of this highway, to mark the start of Santiago de Querétaro. This photo is especially relevant for me as in 2022, I moved to this city from "CDMX" to pursue my career.


Canon EOS SL2 | EF-S 55-250mm f/4-5.6 Show Exif data
Contact photographer for terms of use.


Luft Spotter

Cool to add "bold" in the notes :) Hermosa captura Santi.