
This picture was taken after flight LH044 (MUC-HAM) on 01 Mar 2008 during storm “Emma” (gusting up to 47kts), performed on LH Airbus A320 D-AIQP named after the city of “Suhl”. In the moment of touch down on Rwy23 a wind gust from the right struck the aircraft, lifting the right wing and causing the aircraft to roll. Consequently the left wing was pushed down, and the wingtip hit the ground. The pilots performed a go-around at the last moment. Even though we landed safely on Rwy33 a good ten minutes later, it wasn´t the best flight experience ever to be airborne with a broken wing… A video of the incident can be found on the common video platforms. Picture taken from seat 27A. I apologize for the poor photo quality.


Contact photographer for terms of use.



Photo Date

Mar 01, 2008


Feb 25, 2010




This picture was taken after flight LH044 (MUC-HAM) on 01 Mar 2008 during storm “Emma” (gusting up to 47kts), performed on LH Airbus A320 D-AIQP named after the city of “Suhl”. In the moment of touch down on Rwy23 a wind gust from the right struck the aircraft, lifting the right wing and causing the aircraft to roll. Consequently the left wing was pushed down, and the wingtip hit the ground. The pilots performed a go-around at the last moment. Even though we landed safely on Rwy33 a good ten minutes later, it wasn´t the best flight experience ever to be airborne with a broken wing… A video of the incident can be found on the common video platforms. Picture taken from seat 27A. I apologize for the poor photo quality.


Contact photographer for terms of use.



And that date my friend is your second birthday! Thanks for sharing this photo.