
The last Ecuadorian army Gazelle in service. Sad to think that a long time ago we had around 40 of these flying, but as years have gone by, they have been retired and sold. Also, new tech such as the Fennec has replaced these machines. Here it can be seen on some mountain flight training, the big Cotopaxi volcano makes an appearance in the background. Should be noted that this one participated in the armed conflicts of Paquisha (1981) and Cenepa (1995). Few people know the true value of this photo.


Contact photographer for terms of use.



Photo Date

Jun 03, 2021


Jun 04, 2021



The last Ecuadorian army Gazelle in service. Sad to think that a long time ago we had around 40 of these flying, but as years have gone by, they have been retired and sold. Also, new tech such as the Fennec has replaced these machines. Here it can be seen on some mountain flight training, the big Cotopaxi volcano makes an appearance in the background. Should be noted that this one participated in the armed conflicts of Paquisha (1981) and Cenepa (1995). Few people know the true value of this photo.


Canon EOS Rebel t3 | 28-135mm
Contact photographer for terms of use.


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